Signing up

Quuly / Quuly Cloud Help Center / Signing up

Signing up with your school's login

  1. Visit and find your institution in the "Institutional signup list"
    If you do not see your institution in the list, please follow the instructions below under 'Signing up with your email" and let us know to add your school.
  1. Follow the welcome tutorial to get started with joining a course (students & TAs) or creating a course (instructors).
  1. If you see any pending course invites in the welcome menu, please accept them after completing sign up.

Signing up with your email

  1. Visit and sign in using your school's email and a password that you have not used for any other account. Your password must have at least one letter, special character, capital letter, and be at least 14 characters.
  1. Follow the welcome tutorial to get started with joining a course (students & TAs) or creating a course (instructors).
  1. If you see any pending course invites in the welcome menu, please accept them after completing sign up.